
Our goal is to provide you with the necessary tools to perform your job safely 和 productively. Good ergonomics will provide you with a healthful 和 safe work environment 和 minimize the risk of associated occupational injury or illness.

If you would like to have an ergonomic evaluation of your workstation, please email the EHS主管 with the following information: name, 电话号码, 建筑, room number 和 a brief description of your concern.

  • 什么是人体工程学?

    Ergonomics is the science that deals with the relationship of the worker 和 his/her work environment. Good ergonomics is being able to adjust your chair, keyboard, monitor, etc. to get a 中性和放松的姿势. Good ergonomics also includes work activities that are varied, with short 休息时间 that prevent overstressing parts of your body. If your work involves frequent awkward positions (your body or limbs), if you are reaching excessively or if you are doing prolonged work on one type of activity, 然后是糟糕的人体工程学.

    When you are performing work follow these tips:

    • 调整 你的设备,我.e., chair, keyboard, 和 monitor, etc.,适合你. [Your equipment should adjust to you, not you to the equipment]
    • 保持一个 中性和放松的姿势 (including your h和s, arms, legs, whole body).
    • 需要频繁 休息时间. (st和 up, stretch, massage your eyes for 5 seconds)
    • Avoid prolong work on a single activity by 改变你的工作任务 to avoid stressing certain parts of your body.
  • What are the consequences of poor ergonomics?

    Poor ergonomics can result in occupational illnesses or injuries called musculoskeletal disorders or MSD’s. MSD’s include a range of disorders involving nerves, tendons, muscles, 和 bones. MSD’s cause pain, numbness, 和 tingling. They result in reduced productivity, lost time from work or temporary or permanent disability.

  • What should I do if my work is causing pain or discomfort?

    If you believe that your work is causing you pain or other medical problems, you should seek medical treatment through the DU Workers' Compensation Program. The Loss Control Manager can be contacted at extension 17501.

    You should also get an individual workstation evaluation to see if your workstation can be improved by identifying 和 reducing any ergonomic risks. Please contact the 环境卫生 & 安全 Director, at extension 17501, to set up an appointment for an evaluation. Please provide the following information: name, 电话号码, 建筑, room number 和 a brief description of your concern.

  • How can I evaluate my own workstation for ergonomics?

    Try evaluating your own workstation. 打印出 符合人体工程学的问卷调查 进行自我评估. We recommend that you also check the 职业安全 & 健康管理、 OSHA web site on Computer Workstations. It provides excellent tips on how to achieve sound ergonomics, including good working positions 和 how your workstation should be set up. If you have any ergonomic questions or concerns after taking the self-assessment or reviewing the OSHA website, feel free to contact the 环境卫生 & 安全 (EHS) Director, at 303-871-7501.

    The Risk Management Department can also provide classroom training on ergonomics 和 safe lifting. We ask for an audience of at least 5 people. 联系 the 环境卫生 & 安全 (EHS) Director, at 303-871-7501, to request training.